
A Foreign Land

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

I’ll never forget the day I moved to Texas for the first time. I love road trips and new adventures, so there was lots of excitement as I headed out on this new journey. However, the excitement did not last. I am from Tennessee and grew up in Alabama, so it did not take long for Texas to feel like a foreign land, almost like another country. The culture was so different, and finding a church where I could really fit in and do ministry was challenging. So, at the end of my first year in seminary, I decided Texas was not for me and moved back to Tennessee. Of course, the Lord had other plans; three years later I was back in Texas finishing my master’s degree. Over the years I have lived in this foreign land (yes, Texas still feels foreign to me) I have realized one thing: I had to be taken out of what was comfortable and planted somewhere unfamiliar so I would rely more on God than myself.

God will often put us in a “foreign land.” It might be an actual place like Texas was for me. It could also be a season of life or unique circumstances such as the loss of a loved one, singleness, or a battle with illness. Whatever it may be, He will take us out of the familiar and place us in the unfamiliar because He wants to teach us and draw us closer to Him.
In Her Shoes: Walking in Virtue

Ever experienced “foreign lands?”  For most of us, this past year was probably one of those foreign lands. I know it was for me.  As things started to shift in March, God said it was time to start Krista Michelle Ministries and publish my first bible study. I found myself telling God what a crazy idea it was to start with everything going on and Him answering by giving me the peace to go for it.  So, I took a leap of faith. These last months have been a wild ride that has pulled me outside of my comfort zone and taught me to rely on God more and more every day. There were multiple times on the journey that I wanted to postpone everything.  I mean who starts something new in a pandemic. Crazy right? But God kept reminding me that He does immeasurably more when I’m not comfortable or in control.

As I am walking in faith and pursuing my dream in this season, I have complete peace because I know this is where God wants me to be.  With every step into the unknown, I am learning to trust Him more. What about you?  What is God calling to step out in faith and do right now?  Maybe it’s sharing your faith with a friend or neighbor, embracing something new in your life, or going after a dream He’s given you. Whatever it may be, don’t run from it.  Embrace it!

Check out Krista’s Bible Study on Ruth.
In Her Shoes: Walking In Virtue Now Available on

Krista McBroom