
Four Ways to Invest

In my blog Girls’ Ministry 101, I defined girls’ ministry as…

An intentional relationship plan for young women that helps meet the unique needs of teenage girls.

So how do you invest in them to meet those needs? I’m so glad you asked! Let me share with you four ways to invest in the lives of the girls in your ministry. 

Before we jump in, let me encourage the male student pastors that your plan to meet the needs of your teenage girls must include godly women. You will not be able to fully invest with them if you don’t. 

affirm them.

During the teenage years, girls need a little extra affirmation and encouragement because girls are being bombarded on all sides with images of who they should be. When they fall short and negative voices begin to speak, they need someone who is speaking life into them through both their words and actions. When you share a smile, a hug, a text, a conversation over cookies, or a cup of coffee, you show a girl that you believe in her.  And whether it’s a good or bad day for her, it makes an impact. 

support them.

At some point, each girl in your ministry will need support. It could be just a little extra help as she navigates a situation or to walk with her through a life-altering experience. She needs a woman in those difficult seasons to be a rock for her, where she can find some stability and a safe place to work through the emotions of the situation. She needs a woman who will give her the biblical guidance needed to navigate the situation.  

Challenge them.

Photo by Rosie Sun on Unsplash

Every girl needs to be motivated and challenged to grow in all areas of her life – spiritually, physically, emotionally, relationally, and intellectually. It can come through words that inspire them.  But it also comes through actions as you set an example and create environments that promote growth.

Pray for and with them.

This may be the most basic but it’s the most important. There is power in prayer and the girls in your ministry need you to go to the Lord on their behalf. They also need to see you praying for them; this is why it is so important to also pray with them.  

By investing in the lives of your girls today through affirming, supporting, challenging, and praying for them,
you are setting them up for Biblical success that will continue to pay dividends in their lives for years!

Note to male student pastors…

  • When it comes to affirming, you can encourage them but you’ll be limited in the ways you can offer that affirmation and are unable at times to encourage her fully in the way she needs.

  • When it comes to supporting, each situation will be different but you can give biblical guidance, encouraging words, and prayer to support your girls.

  • When comes to challenging, you can offer a lot of inspiration and you probably do more than you know. There is just a different level of influence when it comes from a woman - it’s more relatable.

  • When it comes to prayer, you can do this for every one of the girls in your ministry. I would encourage you to be above reproach when praying with a girl and never feel bad about adding a woman to the prayer time with a girl when you feel it necessary.

Krista McBroom