
More Than A Resolution

The new year is here! What changes are you looking to make this year?

Every year people make resolutions but a few weeks, maybe a few months in, they give up. Often, it’s because there is no real plan and they are trying to achieve the goal on their own. So, it makes it easier to give up when life gets too busy or they lose the motivation to keep going.

This year I want to challenge you to make it more than a resolution. Instead, make a plan. Your own personal action plan to become the woman you were meant to be by loving God and loving others more this year.  I want you to think about how you can grow in your faith and as a daughter, sister, friend, and leader. Use the questions below to start making your plan. After you have made your action plan share it with someone you trust and who will help you stay accountable throughout the year. Post your plan and Matthew 22:37-39 somewhere as a reminder every day to be the woman God created you to be by loving Him and others.



Matthew 22: 37-39

And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”


Quiet Time (Reading your Bible and praying)

  • How much time each day are you going to spend reading the Bible and praying? Do you need to start with a small amount of time each day? Are you pretty consistent and need to increase your time with God?

  • Which books of the Bible are you going to study this year? (You can do a study on your own or pick a Bible study on the book to do)

  • What is one or two topics you want to learn about from God’s Word?

  • Who are you going to going to consistently be praying for?

  • Where is there time in your day that you could commit to stop and pray for 10 to 15 minutes instead of doing something else?

    Check out my blogs Study the Word and Conversations with God for more on reading the bible and prayer.
    Students: When studying topics in scripture seek wise counsel from your parents, Student Pastor, and trusted leaders on where you to begin.

Memorizing Scripture

  • How many verses are you going to memorize this year?

Sharing the Gospel

  • How many of your friends are you going to share the hope of Jesus with and what He means in your life? Who are you going to invite to church with you this year?

Show Respect

  • What are you going to do daily this year to show more respect to your parents?

  • What attitude changes do you need to work on this year?

Love Your Siblings

  • What attitude and actions are you changing this year to love your siblings better?

  • How are you going to show love to your siblings every week?


  • How are you going to adjust your schedule to spend more time with your family?

  • What do you need to give up this year to spend more time with your family?

  • What are some things you are going to do with your free time this year that could help out your family?


  • How are you going to be a better friend this year?

*Action Plan adapted from Dr. Chris Stephen’s Personal Growth Plan.

Krista McBroom