
It Takes A Team

Planning events is one of my favorite things to do in ministry.  I think it’s the excitement of preparing something for students that allows a concentrated amount of time to teach them one truth from God’s Word while also having the time to fellowship with them for more than the couple hours I usually get in a week. Over the years the one thing that I have found most important and rely on more than anything when planning one of my girls’ events is the TEAM!

Event planning isn’t a one-woman show. It takes a team!

Event planning isn’t a one-woman show.  Over the years I have been blessed to have some wonderful ladies serve on the student ministry staff with me as I planned. But early on in ministry, I learned that the team was more than my staff.  It was my volunteers and the girls in the ministry.  They made all the difference when it came time to plan. Here’s why… 

Your team can help give clear direction

The initial brainstorming of an event is always my favorite. I absolutely enjoy getting my staff and volunteers together to discuss the theme and direction for our girls’ event each year.  There have been years where I already had an idea of where God was leading us and times it was a blank slate.  Whatever kind of year it was I always started out with prayer first. Then we would dive right into discussing where their girls were at in that season.  I wanted to know what they were talking about, what they were dealing with, and what questions they kept asking.  My leaders’ insight was the launching pad for the event. We would take everyone’s thoughts and talk through possible themes, activities, breakout topics, and anything else we might want to do for that event. By the end, we make some initial decisions as a team and be off and running with a clear direction.

Your team can help you be relevant

The part of the team that keeps you and me relevant is our students. We had a group of student leaders in our ministry and those were the girls that I went to when we started planning the next girl’s event. They got a say in what we’d talk about and the activities we’d do. These girls were never shy about what they wanted and needed. Their insight also showed me areas where we could go deeper with them. What I loved most is that there was always a thought or two that would never cross my mind to choose as a breakout topic or activity to do. 

Your team makes your girl’s event successful

Utilizing a team of leaders and students from the beginning is what makes any event successful because you have created buy-in.  It’s no longer your event or the girls’ ministry event…IT IS THEIR EVENT.  When it’s their event, leaders want to be a part of the weekend, and let’s face it, we can’t pull any event off without our leaders.  But what is equally or even more important is when the girls in your ministry feel like it is their event.  Then they want to be there and they want their friends there too.  They’re the ones it’s all for and who we want to reach with the truth of God’s word.

One last thought -  In all my years of including my volunteers and students in planning events, the two that are the most memorable were small one-night events. Both of these events were planned completely by students; I just provided the resources for all they wanted. For one of these, I had one girl really take ownership and she came up to the church the week leading up to the event to prepare and set everything up. I was so amazed. It was such a great reminder that including the girls was the best way to plan.

Krista McBroom