
4 Ways to Be Intentional In Your Ministry

“Reaching the girls in your church and community doesn’t just happen. You must be intentional. Phone calls, texts, face-to-face conversations, showing up outside of church, creating environments where girls can hang out, and getting into the community are all a part of being intentional. Make the time and take advantage of every opportunity.”

If you follow my social media, you will see that this month’s girls’ ministry tip was “Be Intentional.”

Whether you are just starting out or have been serving in ministry for years the statement made is very practical. Any relationship you have with someone flourishes when you are intentional about investing in it. But in ministry, it’s not just one girl you are investing in, it’s many. Investing intentionally on a larger scale can feel overwhelming if you don’t know where to start or you’re trying to find new ways to do it. So I couldn’t just share this tip without also giving you some practical ways to make it happen.

I want to share with you four ways to implement intentionality in your ministry. These can be implemented by you and the women who serve in your ministry. Remember you don’t have to do it all alone. Being other women alongside you to help you intentionally invest in the lives of your girls. 

Make the Connection

Set aside at least one hour a week to reach out to a certain number of girls in your ministry. It can be a phone call, facetime, text, DM, or handwritten letter.


  • Block off the time and protect it

    • Put it on your calendar so you can’t plan over it

    • Find a place where you won’t be disturbed

  • Determine your working list

    • Master list of all girls

    • Grade rosters then contact one girl from each grade a week

    • Additional List for every week:

      • First-time guests

      • Girls you haven’t seen in a while

Seek Her Out

Set a goal to have a certain number of face-to-face conversations with girls every time your group gathers together. There are some girls you will talk to every time you see them but be intentional about having these conversations with girls you don’t always talk to or are having a harder time connecting with. The conversation may be awkward but your intentionality will mean more than you could ever understand to some of those girls.

Show Up

Get your girls’ extra-curricular schedules and show up to a game, concert, show, competition, etc. Try and make one event for each of the girls that gives you a schedule. Make the effort to get there early or stay late so you can get a few moments to see and encourage them one-on-one.

This is also a great way to get into the community.  You can meet other girls as well as community leaders. My girls never missed an opportunity to introduce me to their friends and sometimes coaches or teachers to share that I was their youth/girls’ minister. Going to the same schools over and over in your area will help you create connections with school leaders. This can open doors for you to work with the girls in your community; which will allow you to invite them to join your ministry.

Invite Them In

Not all your girls will give you a schedule or even participate in something you can show up to.  But all your girls want to feel like they are seen, known, and cared for so invite your girls to do life with you.  Bring them into the things you do on a regular basis.


  • One-on-one coffee or lunch

  • Group movie nights at your place by grade

  • Standing invitations once a month for dessert at your favorite spot

  • Morning devotional time at the local coffee shop before school

Inviting them is also about being intentional in asking them to join you at the girls’ ministry events and activities. Don’t just make a blanket announcement from the stage but go to your girls and ask them if they are going. Personally hand them the flyer to come join you. Repost your ministry event promos and tag your girls or send them the post in a DM.

When you begin to implement these steps you will begin to see your girls flourish and grow because you have given them someone they can depend on and go to.

Intentionality in Ministry will make a huge difference in the lives of your girls!

Krista McBroom