
Doing Life Together


Summer is here! One of the things I love about summer is the extra time I get with my girls. It’s always the best time to do more with the girls I am mentoring. I have previously shared practical steps to begin mentoring girls in your ministry. Now I want to share my journey of mentoring the way I do and a couple of resources with you. But first, let’s look again at what mentoring is. 

Mentoring is doing life with a student in a way that points them to Christ. 

Mentoring is in everyday life. It’s showing up at your student’s game, competition, play, concert, or other extra-curricular activities. It’s inviting them to be a part of your life with family dinners, running errands, hanging out in the office, setting up/ tearing down for events or activities, or anything else they can join you in doing. And of course, it is studying God’s Word together. 

When I first started out in ministry, I was a little tunnel-visioned with what mentoring looked like. I had always put the focus on the discipleship part of studying the Word. I never realized that it was more until I interned with a student ministry that spent the summer reading and discussing The Be With Factor by Bo Boshers and Judson Poling with the staff.

This book totally changed my perspective on mentoring as I learned studying the Word together was only one aspect of it. It was so much more because it involves “‘being-with’ in daily life.”(The Be With Factor, page 21) This made complete sense because Jesus set the mentoring example for us as He took along the twelve disciples on his three-year journey to the cross. He taught them with His words, and actions; always taking advantage of the teachable moments with them. 

It was not a huge shift in my schedule to do life with my girls who I was mentoring because I was really already doing it without knowing. Going to concerts, plays, performances, games, and competitions was already something I was doing. Being single I was already inviting them to lunch and dinner or on occasion eating with their families. So, all I did was start to look for other ways to invite them into my life – shopping, running errands, working with me in the office, planning and preparing for events, and my personal favorite, going shopping for a student ministry event; there is always more of an adventure and lots of laughs when shopping. 

What changed the most was how I viewed those moments with my girls. I wanted to make the most of each opportunity. So, I began to ask God to give me the eyes to see teachable moments as we did life together. 

The spiritual growth I began to see in girls when I became more intentional with the teachable moments when we were just doing life in addition to our planned discipleship was humbling. It was so much greater than when my focus was the planned discipleship being the only teachable moment during the week. I love when I talk with girls that I’ve mentored as the conversation often goes back to those life-together moments that encouraged and challenged them. 

As you mentor and train others to mentor, I want to encourage you to do so in a way that is about doing life together. Let me share two resources that are great for you to use but also share with those you are training in mentoring…

The Be With Factor
By Bo Boshers and Judson Poling 

Table for Two
by Amy Kendrick Pierson and Mona Corwin

A few things to know…
The Be With Factor has a guide in the back for starting a mentoring relationship. You can also purchase student guides for those you are mentoring.

Table for Two is specifically for girls. It is much harder to find. So, you may have to look in second-hand stores for it. But if you find one it’s worth the purchase. 

Krista McBroom