
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

I love summer because students’ schedules aren’t as busy as during the school year and you get to just hang out with them. Here are some of my favorite girls’ ministry activities to do with my girls. Maybe you’ll get inspired and try something new this summer ;-)

Painted Kiddie Pool Kickball 

Many of you have played kickball with kiddie pools full of water for bases and a slip-n-slide for home plate. This activity is the same game using paint instead of water. Check out how we played and the supplies we used. 


  • Three outs per inning. 

    • Three missed kicks

    • The ball is caught in the air

    • Tagged or hit with the ball from the shoulder down

  • No walking – the player must kick the ball

  • Up to 3 people on the base at a time. If a fourth person is running toward the base at least one person must run to the next base or it’s an automatic out. 

  • Can’t be tagged once you are sliding on the slip-n-slide


  • 3 Inflatable Kiddie Pools

  • 1 Slip-n-slide or thick plastic drop cloth

  • Tempera paint (about 8 gallons)


  • Have the girls wear a bathing suit under a white shirt and shorts. (The white shirt with paint makes excellent pictures)

  • Wearing old tennis shoes is highly recommended.

  • Make each base a different color of paint. Put one gallon in and then add more as needed. 

  • Use multiple colors on the slip-n-slide. Use small bottles of paint so you can control how much paint goes in one spot.

  • Have a water hose available in case the heat hardens the paint on the slip-n-slide and you need to add water so the student can slide.

Blacklight Nerf War

This game became one of my absolute favorites because one of our girls created it for us. She took all of our nerf guns and any big items she could find in our student building and covered them in blacklight tape. Then she set up the student building into a battlefield using barriers she created and black lights. We played capture the flag and the last woman standing (hunger games style).


  • Blacklights

  • Blacklight tape

  • Nerf Guns

  • Nerf darts

  • Barriers 


  • Your barriers don’t need to be store-bought. You can create your own using big garbage cans, small tables, and large Rubbermaid tubs. 

  • A small amount of tape is enough to make the barriers and nerf guns stand out. You don’t need to cover them completely. 

  • Have leaders all around the course to let girls know when they are out.

Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is always fun and it gets your girls working together as a team. We did one in a downtown park area of Houston one year and the girls loved it. You can also do them at a mall or the zoo.


  • When choosing clues, be sure to choose something that is a permanent display so that they are still there when you play the game. You can go a couple of days before to create clues if you know that the displays won’t change before your event. 

  • Set boundaries for the area you will play in.

  • Put the girls in teams with a leader. Give your leader a map and the answers in case a group gets stuck, they can give additional clues. 

  • Have the girls take a picture with each clue as proof of the answer. You can use a photo-sharing app like Church Snaps where each team can have their own album (This will also make it easier to tally the scores).

  • If you are going to use a mall, make sure that all clues are window displays. You may also need to stick with outdoor malls. Some indoor malls have not liked groups of girls running around inside looking for their clues.


No matter what we did, if I added karaoke, it was an automatic win. The girls loved getting on stage individually or in groups to sing their hearts out. And so many girls would jump in and sing from the floor. It was always a great time for all.


  • Karaoke Songs

  • Speakers or Sound system

  • Microphone 

  • Sign Up List

  • Song List


  • Have someone MC the activity and another person cue and play the songs.

  • Provide snacks so girls can enjoy food and the music 

Looking for more ideas? Contact Krista

Hope you have fun with your girls this summer!

Krista McBroom