
Let's Plan

Serving in girls’ ministry, I have spent hours planning girls’ events. I love every step of planning fun and impactful events for girls. The details are my thing. But before I can even get to the details there are two things that I must consider – the purpose and big elements. 

The most important thing about any event is its purpose. If you don’t know what you are trying to achieve then your event may be fun but it won’t have any lasting impact. You’ll waste time and resources on something that won’t truly benefit your girls because they can have fun anywhere. As a ministry leader, what you are called to do and what they need is something that allows the Gospel to challenge and change them. They need opportunities to give of themselves, create Christ-centered relationships, be encouraged, and grow spiritually. 

Discovering Purpose

Ask these simple questions…
How do my girls need to be challenged right now? What encouragement do my girls need?
Based on how they need to be challenged or encouraged, what is the purpose of my event going to be? 
How do I achieve that purpose?

Possible Purposes…

  • Connection and relationship building

  • Spiritual growth

  • Evangelistic

  • Leadership development

  • Missions/service

A lot of my events had more than one purpose.  But there was always one purpose that was the main focus. For example – my biggest event of the year was for spiritual growth but I also wanted it to be a time for connection and relationship building. So, you don’t always have to have just one purpose but there should be one that is most important. 

Once you have discovered the purpose of your event, take a look at how you will achieve that purpose and begin to decide on the big elements of the event.  The biggest thing to remember when deciding on the big elements is that most of the time LESS is more. You don’t need to try to do everything. Choose what will help you achieve your purpose. 

Deciding on Big Elements

Always keep this question in mind…
How will this accomplish my purpose? 

Big Elements 
Main Sessions (One or Multiple)
Small Groups
Breakout Sessions
Specialty Activity (everyone participating in one activity)
Free Time Activities (choices between multiple activities)

You may have one of these elements or multiple. Whichever elements you choose will help you begin to work out the details. From there you can plan an event that will encourage and challenge your girls. 

Download this event checklist to help you start planning your event today.

Krista McBroom