
Follow the Star


In the celebration of Christmas, we often associate the Magi with being at the manger. But according to scripture, they did not arrive till much later.

Matthew 2:11 says…
”On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”

Jesus was already living in a home by the time the Magi arrived. He was also most likely around 2 years old because scripture tells us that Herod killed all the boys in Bethlehem and the surrounding cities who were two years and younger because of what he had learned from the Magi about when the star first appeared (Matthew 2:7,16). However, the Magi did start on a journey to find Jesus that night when the star appeared. They knew that they were called to come and worship Him. So, they followed the star till it stopped over Mary and Joseph’s house.

The Magi’s journey would have been challenging. They came from the east and most likely traveled through barren lands at times. They could have spent many nights sleeping out on the open terrain instead of in the safety of an inn. They may have run out of water or food at some point. They would have even grown weary from the long journey. Yet they still followed to the end.

These Magi give us a challenge in this Christmas season, this coming year, and right now to follow and worship. The star appeared and they packed up and left. They brought along what they needed for the journey and most importantly what they were giving in worship to the King. They had no idea how long the journey would take or where it would lead them. All they knew was that they must follow in order to worship the King. So, for a very long time, they followed the star. In the end, the reward of meeting and worshiping the King of kings was worth every step along the way.

You and I are not led by a star in the sky today but by something even greater – the Holy Spirit. Just like the Magi, we don’t know how long the journey will take or where it will lead us. But we do know that we are called to come and worship. And as the Spirit leads us, He speaks to our hearts and helps us to worship Christ along the way. We don’t have to wait till the end to worship Jesus and give Him gifts. We can worship Him right now through our words and actions and give to Him by giving to others.

On our journey, we might experience seasons of difficulty. But just like the Magi, we can’t give up. We must follow to the end. And with Holy Spirit guiding us we must choose to worship the Lord even in those difficult moments of the journey. We must set God’s Word before us as our star and allow the Holy Spirit to use it as our guide. One day, we will ultimately arrive at the feet of Jesus to worship Him. But for now, we must embrace the journey and follow the Holy Spirit wherever He may lead.

Choose to take the journey to come and worship

Krista McBroom