Photo Booths on a Budget
Photo booths are always a great way to capture pictures of students, families, and volunteers at your events. We see so many amazing and elaborate ones on social media that it can be hard to envision having anything look so good if you are on a budget. But with a bit of creativity and time, you can build some great ones.
When I first started on a church staff, I had some girls’ ministry décor to start with but nothing significant for a photo booth. My team and I just started with what we had which was some pipe from our student ministry pipe and drape sets and some white net curtains that one of our staff members had stashed away at her house. It was so simple that first year but we got so many fun photos of the girls.
After that year, we began budgeting so we could start adding to our inventory of photo booth décor. It was a slow go at first but eventually, we created an inventory that could be used multiple times and in several different ways with very little money spent. Let me share with you some ways to create an inventory on a budget.
First start with the staple. Look for things around the church that you have that can be used over and over again. You can even look at your home for things you could bring when you are first starting. Make a list of these things and then add other items you would like to purchase in the future. Then slowly start to collect one of them with your budget each year.
A few staples to start with…
Pipe and drape
Loveseat or chair
Small stands
Wooden pallets
Detachable and adjustable hula hoops (makes for easier storage)
Photo booth arch
Ways to save…
*If your church doesn’t use pipe and drapes then purchase just the pipe and bases. You can get curtains cheaper than drapes.
*Be on the lookout for discarded wooden pallets. One of our staff found the ones we used on the side of the road and we fixed them up with a little paint😉
*Check out yard sales and goodwill for small stands and pillows. You can always paint the stands and cover the pillows.
Once you have your staples, the next thing you can do is collect items that will give you variety in making photo booths. These things will help set the background. They will transform the staples you are using. They also can give some fun flare. Remember that small changes can make a huge difference.
A few items to add variety…
Pillow Covers
Flowers and greenery
Balloons (one-time use)