
Say Yes


“Yes” is a simple word. We say yes to food, things and people all the time.  But how often do you say “yes” to God? This word seems to become so much harder when the “yes” involves trust in what we can’t see.

Years ago when God called me to ministry, “yes” seemed so simple at the time. My inexperienced teenage self had only seen the finished product that came from ministry and very little of the work behind it. So of course “yes” was an easy answer.  Now, with over a decade of ministry experience, “yes” is not as easy to say. I know the difficulties that come behind it and I often go back to that childlike faith in the beginning to say “yes” when God calls.

So, why is it so easy to say “yes” as a child? Simply, it’s because a child doesn’t have the experience to know things could go any differently than the amazing way she envisions it.  It doesn’t matter the situation; a child just doesn’t see the possible negatives. It’s what we call childlike faith.

This childlike faith is what we need to have in our walk with Christ.  We are never promised that this life will be easy. Often the journey God takes us on is filled with twists and turns, valleys and mountaintops, seasons of joy and sorrow and everything in between. It’s in those harder times that I remember the verse God used the day he called me to ministry. Isaiah 41:10(NIV) “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Remembering that He will strengthen me and uphold me wherever He calls me gives me that childlike faith to say “yes.”

It’s with the childlike faith that I jumped in and said “yes” to God’s leading to launch this new journey in ministry. Krista Michelle has been created because I love teaching and equipping teenage girls and their leaders.  My prayers for this ministry and blog are that girls would be challenged to grow in their walk with God and that girls ministry leaders and volunteers would be encouraged, challenged and gain insight for their own girls ministry.

So, here is the first challenge for everyone…

What is God calling you to say “yes” to right now?

Remember that He is right there with you and ready for you to jump in with childlike faith. So, go for it right now. It will be worth it!

Krista McBroom