
Small Joys

What are you thankful for?

In a month where thankfulness is the theme, we tend to push it to just a day. Christmas has begun to confine the idea of Thanksgiving to only 24 hours.  And even then, do we really celebrate what we are thankful for in this life? 

Being thankful isn’t just intended to be isolated to a day or a month. It’s a characteristic that should define a believer’s life every day.  God has given each of us so much to be thankful for and it starts with His grace and the restored relationship we have been given.

Over the past year God has taught me to find joy in the small things each day. At night, when I get ready for bed, I thank Him for each small joy. It could have been a text message, a phone call, FaceTime, a gift at my door, the behind the scenes shenanigans in student ministry or the laughter with my friends, co-workers or students. No matter where the joy comes from each day, it always reminds me how blessed I am.


My family visiting last weekend was my biggest joy this year. No words can fully describe the thankfulness of the whole family being together after two years. But it was the learning to appreciate the small joys this year that made the weekend even more special.  Because with in the big joy I saw the small joys - like two adults trying to direct four children in decorating a cake, tea parties with the whole fam, the constant sweet voices calling Aunt Krista and so much more.


God has taught me to find joy in the small things each day.

I want to challenge you this month start to live your life being thankful for the small joys. Ask God to show you every day at least one small joy.  I promise you they are there even in the midst of the hardest days. 

And remember…

Every day, no matter what we face or happens in our world - God is still on the throne! This is enough for us to rejoice in and give Him thanks each and every day.

So, what is your small joy today?

Krista McBroom