
Part of Something Greater

Have you ever wondered if there is a purpose for the journey God is taking you on in life? I mean with social media today, everyone else’s journey in life can look so much more important than our own. The truth is that no one’s journey is more significant than anyone else’s. Each of us plays an important part in God’s story. No matter insignificant we think our story is, God has a purpose for each of us. (In Her Shoes: Walking in Virtue)

We just have to choose to embrace His purpose and journey for us. We start by embracing our relationship with God. We can’t just rely on what others teach us. We need to discover for ourselves who God is by spending time in His Word daily. Then we begin to share with others who God is and what He is teaching us. 

If someone had told me when I was a teenager that I would be leading my own ministry and working full-time with teenage girls and student ministries as an adult, I wouldn’t have believed it. I never really saw myself as a leader or influencer. All I knew was that I wanted to know God better and share what He was teaching me with others. This was why I spent my junior and senior year of high school discipling a few 7th and 8th grade girls. It was in choosing to embrace my relationship with God and share it with those who I could influence as a teenager that I began embracing my purpose and journey without even realizing it.

We all have the same purpose but the journey is different for each of us. How God has chosen to use me won’t be the same for you and how He uses you won’t be the same as your friend because He has created us differently. But what He has for us to do has the same purpose. 

So where do we start? Let me share with you a key verse you need to embrace God’s purpose and journey for you. 

Ephesians 2:10

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which he prepared in advance for us to do.

There are three parts in this verse that are vital in being able to embrace your purpose and journey.


You are God’s workmanship. You are His custom creation.  Made to be unique and gifted with no one else being like you. Maybe you struggle to see your uniqueness and custom design from God. But it’s there because your thinking, personality, gifts, talent, and everything that makes you – you – is exactly what He wants them to be so He can use you in His plan. Just ask Him to help you to see yourself the way He does.


You were created to do good works. Those good works are the actions that honor God and point others to Him. Did you notice the verse doesn’t say perfect or impressive works? Just good works that put us in the background and God at the front. No action is too small so be courageous and put your gifts, talents, and abilities to work in a way that honors God. 


God already knows the way He will use you and what your journey will look like. He created you and equipped you to do the good works because He already knows the journey and what you will need. He knows who you will encounter and how He wants to use you. You are ready for whatever comes on this journey. 

As a teenager, owning my relationship with God and growing closer to Him gave me the ability to see the workmanship He had made. Using my gift of teaching to do the good work of leading girls younger than me was part of God preparing me for what He had for me later on down the road. And what God is doing now is preparing me for the good works I am to do years down the road. 

You and I are both a part of something greater than ourselves. We are God’s workmanship, created to do good works He is already preparing us to do. Embrace it and let God do more than you could ever imagine. And if it’s hard right now, don’t give up but press one. Every step of the journey is worth it and it’s all for His glory.

God has something greater for you than you could ever imagine
if you will seek Him first, embracing in His purpose and your journey!

Krista McBroom